Configuring Skarf

You can configure skarf with YAML and JSON. To configure skarf (in docker) you’ll need to mount /app/config to a local directory, and then you can put a config.json or config.yml into that folder. You can see examples of configs on this page, and further down there is a section which tells you what everything means.


Example YAML (config.yml)

version: 10 # Sets the engine version.
static: false # This will compile the page into static html, css, images etc. 
debug: false # This will auto reload your config but will increase server resources so DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION
  name: "Person" # Main name
  subtitle: "Some for info" # A little text below namwe
  credits: false
  font: Roboto, Arial # The font-family to use for the page
  footer: Remember to eat your waffles
  verified: false # adds a cool checkmark
  check-color: '#55FF11' # decides the color of checkmark
  color: "#6F6F6F" # The color of the name and subtitle
  button-border-radius: '15'
  link-color: "#F6F6F6" # The color of the text on the links
    border-radius: '15'
      status: true
      color: "#FFFFFFAA"
      status: false
      color: "#FFFFFF"
  custom-css: false # OPTIONAL! url to custom css
    status: false # kofi on / off status
    slug: supportkofi # if your kofi was then you would put 'supportkofi'
    text: Support Ko-Fi # the text on the button (Keep under 13 characters as it will add a scroll bar otherwise)
    background-color: '#00b9fe' # background color of button
    text-color: '#ffffff' # text color of button
    pro: false # if you have pro set to true
    pro-url: "/idk/here/maybe" # if you have pro enter url here, either a local one such as /static/fontawesome-pro.css or an external one such as (BOTH OF THESE WON'T WORK, GET YOUR OWN LINK)
  background: # The background info
    type: color # image or color or gradient Decides what to put as the background
    content: "#2F2F2F" # url to image or a color code (e.g. /static/bg.png) or the first color of a gradient
    content-2: "#FFFFFF" # only used when there is a gradient, the second color of gradient
  favicon: /static/favicon.png # If you want a favicon
  description: Some info in the meta description tag # If you want a meta description
    type: font-awesome # image or font-awesome decides how to display avatar
    style: solid # for font-awesome. Decides what style to display the icon
    content: user # font-awesome icon name, or url to image
  share: true
  share-color: '#3F3F3F'
    - name: Skarf Docs # Frienly Name of link
      link: # The link to the link
      image: # same as the 'image' item above
        type: font-awesome
        style: solid
        content: book
        mode: next # can be left, right, next decides where the icon is if it is an icon
      color: '#3F3F3F' # the background color of the link
      color-2: '#8F8F8F' # if this exists then it will try to color it gradient
      color-deg: '45' # this chooses the degree or angle that the gradient will go
    - name: Skarf Github # same as item above
        type: font-awesome
        style: brands
        content: github
      color: "#3F3F3F"
    - name: Support Discord
        type: font-awesome
        style: brands
        content: discord
      color: "#454FBF"
  mini-links: # different from 'links' as it is only an image/icon with a link. AKA no text.
    - link: # Link to the service
      image: # same as the 'image' item above
        type: font-awesome
        style: brands
        content: github
      color: "#3F3F3F" # color of it

Example JSON (config.json)

  "version": 10,
  "static": false,
  "debug": false,
  "settings": {
    "name": "Person",
    "subtitle": "Some for info",
    "credits": false,
    "font": "Roboto, Arial",
    "font_style_url": "",
    "footer": "Remember to eat your waffles",
    "verified": false,
    "check-color": "#55FF11",
    "color": "#6F6F6F",
    "button-border-radius": "15",
    "link-color": "#F6F6F6",
    "card": {
      "border-radius": "15",
      "glass": {
        "status": true,
        "color": "#FFFFFFAA"
      "solid": {
        "status": false,
        "color": "#FFFFFF"
    "custom-css": false,
    "kofi": {
      "status": false,
      "slug": "supportkofi",
      "text": "Support Ko-Fi",
      "background-color": "#00b9fe",
      "text-color": "#ffffff"
    "font-awesome": {
      "pro": false,
      "pro-url": "/idk/here/maybe"
    "background": {
      "type": "color",
      "content": "#2F2F2F",
      "content-2": "#FFFFFF"
    "favicon": "/static/favicon.png",
    "description": "Some info in the meta description tag",
    "image": {
      "type": "font-awesome",
      "style": "solid",
      "content": "user"
    "share": true,
    "share-color": "#3F3F3F",
    "links": [
        "name": "Skarf Docs",
        "link": "",
        "image": {
          "type": "font-awesome",
          "style": "solid",
          "content": "book",
          "mode": "next"
        "color": "#3F3F3F",
        "color-2": "#8F8F8F",
        "color-deg": "45"
        "name": "Skarf Github",
        "link": "",
        "image": {
          "type": "font-awesome",
          "style": "brands",
          "content": "github"
        "color": "#3F3F3F"
        "name": "Support Discord",
        "link": "",
        "image": {
          "type": "font-awesome",
          "style": "brands",
          "content": "discord"
        "color": "#454FBF"
    "mini-links": [
        "link": "",
        "image": {
          "type": "font-awesome",
          "style": "brands",
          "content": "github"
        "color": "#3F3F3F"

What everything means

version Version of renderer to load config with.

static If it should compile the webpage instead of serving it as a flask app. It gets compiled to /app/build.

debug If debug mode is on which reloads config on every load and shows some version info on page The title of the card, usually your name/nickname.

settings.subtitle Text beneath with a smaller font size.

settings.credits Should add Powered by Skarf to the bottom of page.

settings.font Font of the card, needs to be installed on the viewers device.

settings.font_style_url A @import css url for a font.

settings.footer Footer text set to ‘false’ to disable.

settings.verified Verification status, if set to true it adds a cool little checkmark

settings.check-color Decides the color of the checkmark if settings.verified is set to true, if not set it will be the color of settings.color

settings.color Text color of and settings.subtitle.

settings.button-border-radius The border radius of all the buttons Text color of all the links.

settings.card All the configuration for the card design

settings.card.border-radius The border radius of the card If the card should have a glass effect. (From Color of glass effect if it is enabled

settings.card.solid.status If the card should have a solid color background. Only can be enabled if is set to false

settings.card.solid.color Color of solid background

settings.share Status of share button

settings.share-color Color of share button if enabled

settings.custom-css A link to custom css

settings.kofi.status true/false if you want to enable Ko-Fi Integration.

settings.kofi.slug Your kofi link, but only the last bit (e.g. supportkofi)

settings.kofi.text Button text on Ko-Fi Integration.

settings.kofi.background-color Background color of Ko-Fi Integration button.

settings.kofi.text-color Text color on Ko-Fi Integration button. If you want pro url enabled (true/false) The link to fontawesome pro you want to use only used if is enabled. Optional! If you want a custom color on the glass effect

settings.background.type Either color or image or gradient. Decides the type of background your card will have.

settings.background.content If settings.background.type is color then use a hex color code, if it is image then use a image url. If it is gradient then use the first gradient value

settings.background.content-2 Only used if settings.background.type is gradient, sets the second gradient value

settings.favicon Path to a favicon.

settings.description Meta description for your card.

settings.image.type Either font-awesome or image. Decides the type of avatar you will have. Only useful if you are using font-awesome, it will decide what style of icon you will have. It can be solid or brand, assuming you have the free tier of font awesome

settings.image.content If settings.image.type is font-awesome it is an icon name. If it is image then an image url.

settings.image.mode Can be ‘next’, ‘left’ or ‘right’ decides where the icon should go if settings.image.type is fontawesome.

settings.links An array/list of links. The display text of a link. The link of a link.

settings.links.image Same as settings.image.

settings.links.color The background color of a link.

settings.links.color-2 The second color, if this exists it will try to make the button background a gradient.

settings.links.color-deg The degree of the gradient, only use if you want a gradient.

settings.links.text-color Overides, it sets the color of the link

settings.links.copy If enabled it will copy to clipboard instead of going to that webpage. Like settings.links but it only has a icon and appears in one line, it is an array/list The link of the item Same as settings.image The color of the link If enabled it will copy to clipboard instead of going to that webpage.